EIP's Newsletter
EIP’s electronic newsletter offers its readers short articles on different issues concerning current world events and human rights and peace education. This publication offers a critical and well-documented view on social, political and economic trends which model current and future educational policies.
Click on a topic to see its content
Human Rights and Peace Education
The fundamentals of Human Rights and Peace Education (n°41, 07-08/2007)
Towards a stronger recognition of HRE (n°34, 10/2006) (n°34, 10/2006)
Are there too many rules in school ? (n°31, 04/2006)
Training in citizenshop education in Europe (n°26, 10/2005)
Truncated History (n°22, 04/2005)
At the UN, an Action Plan for human rights education (n°20, 01-02/2005)
The rights of the child and question of education (n°18, 11/2004)
Education for all by 2015 : a utopia for Africa ? (n°15, 06/2004)
A United Nations world-wide programme of human rights education (n°13, 06/2004)
The African Oral Tradition of the students as citizen (n°12, 02-03/2004)
Human Rights Education and Educational Policies (n°11, 01/2004)
The Infringement of SchoolRules : to punish, sanction or repair ?(n°8, 11/ 2003)
Education for all as a victim of the crisis (n°54, 07/08 -2010)
Two worlds : school attendance à la carte (n°51, 11/ 2009)
Education for all : apparent progress or the appearence of a progress ? (n°45,01/2008)
Should you pay for education ? (n°37, 02/2007)
Education as priority (n°28, 01/2006)
Free education : amnesia (n°27,
The right to education : what is not working (n°25, 09/2005)
Community schools in the South (n°24, 06/2005)
12 decades, a millennium : what a program ! (n°23, 05/2005)
The right to education ... (n°21, 03/2005)
Expectations for education in the world : a contrasting picture (n°17, 10/2004)
Indigenous children (n°14, 05/ 2004)
The Right to Education for Roma Children (n°6, 06/2003)
School and social violence
In Canada the army recruits in schools (n°55, 09/2010)
Fantasized violence (n°52, 01/2010)
The specter of destruction (n°47, 06-07/2008)
Peace tomorrow ? (n°43, 10/2007)
Violence and Peace at school (n°32, 05-06/2006)
Takeover bid of school ? (n°30, 03/2006)
Students under surveillance (n°19, 12/2004)
Preventing violence at school : from UNESCO and the Concil of Europe (n°16, 09/2004)
Corporal punishment of children at the Supreme Court of Canada (n°7, 08/2003)
Violence in school : some studies, some exemples (n°4, 03/2003)
World peace : limits of a ranking (n° 53, 02-03/2010)
UPR and NGOs (n°46, 02-03/2008)
The rights of indigenious people ; an incomplete victory (n°42, 09/2007)
Justice in the world, where are we ? (n°38, 03/2007)
Down with Arms ? (n°36, 01/2007)
Spécial edition about the war (n°5 bis, 04/2003)
Do you know your human rights ? (n°3, 01/2003)
Increase in military expenditure world-wide (n°1 (bis), 11/2002)
Decrease in official global developpement assistance (n°1 (ter), 09/2002)