Article 46
Modification of Statutes
The current statutes can only be modified by the Council ofRepresentatives with a quorum of two-thirds of its members and a majority vote of two-thirds of the representatives present.
Article 47
The dissolution of EIP may only be decided by the Council of Representatives, convened especially for this decision. On this occasion, a quorum of three-quarters of Council members is required.
If the quorum is not met, a second session of the Council of Representatives will be called within thirty days of the earlier meeting, and which will pronounce judgement no matter the number in attendance.
The dissolution of EIP can only be decided with a majority vote of three-quarters of the members present.
Article 48
In the case of dissolution, the real and movable assets of EIP will be devolved in full legal right to an organisation dedicated to objectives similar to those of EIP.
Article 49
The judicial centre is Geneva.
Article 50
The present statutes are effective as of 20 March 2006 and replace EIP’s previous statutes.