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StatutsArticle 29



a) Assemblies bring EIP members together on a regional or thematic basis. They allow members to meet and to make their opinions known between meetings of the Council of Representatives and to designate members of this Council.
b) The geographical Assemblies bring together EIP Sections, or members, of a geographical area, according to the importance of the EIP activities that are taking place.
c) The thematic Assemblies bring together members of one or several EIP Networks or thematic programmes, according to the importance of the EIP activities in the area in question.
d) The ordinary Assemblies bring together EIP members and representatives of both thematic and geographical activities of EIP.
e) The extraordinary Assemblies bring together those members of EIP who are concerned by them.
f) The Board of Directors has the responsibility of assuring that the Sections, Networks and members are correctly and equitably represented in the Assemblies.


Article 30



a) The Geographical and Thematic Assemblies have the authority:

- to present general political propositions, to make recommendations and to express their wishes at the Council of Representatives;
- to entrust mandates of study to the Board of Directors;
- to vote with consultative voice on all question which are submitted to them;
- to designate for their region or their area of activity, for a period of three years, their representatives for the Council of Representatives.

b) The ordinary Assemblies have the power, between session of the Council of Representatives, to examine and provide their approval to:

- annual activity reports from the Board of Directors and from the General Secretariat - annual financial reports
- annual reports from the Finance Committee
- annual programmes of activity
- annual budgets

c) The ordinary Assemblies must make a report to the Council of Representatives for definitive approval and decisions.

d) The extraordinary Assemblies have the power:

- to present general political propositions, to make recommendations and to express their wishes to the Council of Representatives.

Article 31



a) The geographical and thematic Assemblies meet at the request of the Board of Directors at least once every three years, between sessions of the Council of Representatives, particularly in order to elect their representative(s).
b) An ordinary Assembly meets once a year, at a date and time fixed by the Board of Directors, with the possible exception of those years when a session of the Council of Representatives takes place.
c) The extraordinary Assemblies may be called by decision of the Board of Directors or when one fifth of the members of the association requests this in writing to the Board of Directors, indicating the matters to be addressed in the agenda.


Article 32



a) Notices of assemblies are made by publication in the Association's bulletin or by a mailing from the Board of Directors or the General Secretariat to the EIP Sections, Networks or members concerned.
b) Notices of assemblies containing their agenda are published or mailed one month prior to the date of the assembly.


Article 33

Proceedings and voting

An Assembly meets legitimately whatever the number of members present. It undertakes its proceedings and votes by a simple majority of members present.



