Report of
Conducted in
English & Hindi
EIP India with help from EIP International organized 5th National Training session on Human
Rights & Peace Education from 18- 20 January 2008 at Nagpur. 86
participants mostly teachers and some NGOs from all parts of India attended the
On 18th after the registration of
outstation delegates, they were taken for City Tour and “No More Hiroshima. No
More Nagasaki. Peace Museum.” At
evening get-together, ideas about this Training session were discussed, which was
followed by dinner.
Next day, on 19th January
2008, after breakfast the training session started with ice breaking exercises
of introduction of participants to each other.
Inaugural session was started at
10.00 AM. Justice K.R.Vyas, Chairperson, Maharashtra
Human Rights Commission was chief guest for this Function.
Address of the guests and
deliberations by experts are given in short.
Dr. Nalini Kurvey: On behalf of EIP India, EIP
International and Indian Institution for Peace, Disarmament & Environmental
Protection, welcome address was delivered by Dr. Nalini
Kurvey. EIP India started working since 1995 under the guidance
of eip International. Which has conducted four
National training and five regional training, many more seminars and workshops
of teachers, NGO, Government officials in many cities in India. Trained participants from
such training sessions are organizing seminars and short training sessions in
their respective areas of working.
She explained the meaning of EIP,
which is a French word meaning World Association for School as an Instrument of
Peace. It is international non-governmental organization devoted to teaching of
Human rights and peace. It was founded by Jacques Mulherhaler.
He founded EIP, World Association for the School as an Instrument of Peace with
his friends. And set down Universal principle of Civic Education.
Those Universal principles of civic
education are as follow:
1. The school as at a service of humanity.
2 The school paves the way to mutual
Understanding for all the children of the world.
3. The school teachers respect for
4. The school teaches tolerance, that
quality which helps to accept attitude and behavior that are different from his
5. The school develops sense of
responsibility, one of the greatest prerogatives of man. The more his condition
improves the greater of the responsibility he must assume.
6. The school teaches the child to
overcome his egoism,
Out of these First one is the most
important, that means school prepares the child to be a good human being.
Since its creation EIP has been
continuously enlarging its peace spreading activities and the rule played by
school. So that Today’s children, who are future citizens, should live in
peaceful world. EIP has got consultative status to international organizations
like UN, UNESCO, ILO, Council of Europe etc. EIP can make governments aware of
the necessicity of peace education, proposes changes
for their text books and education programmes.
In 1984 EIP created a foundation, the
international training center on human rights and peace teaching, called
CIFEDHOP, which organizes annual international training sessions in Geneva. In
Asia eip India is organizing Human Rights Training
session on National and state levels.
It is said that if you are planning
for the future, educate your children. This is the reason EIP is targeting
teachers, who will inculcate Human Rights values in their pupils. If we wish to
create a lasting; peace we must begin with children. India has one of the
largest educational systems of the world with largest number of primary and
secondary schools.
She stressed the necessity for such
training sessions which are to introduce Human Rights ideas and necessity of
interactive learning to introduce different modules for putting into practice,
participation and respect of students’ rights and opportunity of sharing
experiences with each other.
Justice Vyas.Chairperson,
Maharashtra Human Rights Commission addressing the delegates. Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey, Dr. Yamini Alsi, Dr. Nalini Kurvey on dais.
Mrs. Yamini
Alsi noted Gynecologist and Social Worker said I am really happy to know the
work done by Dr. Kurvey. When the child is born we
are the first to hand over the baby to mother and mother is the first Guru
/teacher and 2nd teacher are you. It is very important to teach knowledge of human rights. Without
knowing their rights how child can face the world. The delegates from Jammu
& Kashmir to Kerala are attending the training session. The workshop is not only to attend but
how we follow it and impart to our students and society. The chief guest
Justice Vyas, Chairperson of Maharashtra Human Rights
Commission is a proper person to address and guide you. First we are citizen of
India and world. She wish best of luck and fruitful deliberation in this
training session.
Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey: said indeed I am happy to
see many new faces from all parts of India. Why we require such type of
training? India is moving towards development very fast and it going to become
of the major power in the world. But until and unless Human Rights are
observed, India could not become major power. He said that he has seen and
observed that countries where Human Rights are not observed and violated, peace
is not in the society and community.
Human Rights are pre-requisite for peace and development. Peace and
Human Rights are two sides of one coin. Our main aim to arranged such types of
training is very much relevant for our sustainable development and timely
requirement for India
As per UN maxim “As war started in
the mines of men, peace also must start in the minds of men” Role of teachers
is very important to teach human rights and peace to the students. In school days what students will learn
will be imprinted in their mind and at adult age it will surface. Rightly
educated students are important for the society and nation. Police and Military
are in lime light due to violator of Human rights. We should not forget that military and police are also human
being and they are part of society. When militants, indiscriminately killed and
injured our Jawans and police, their human rights are
also violated. The lower rank of them should be taught about Human Rights .Two
pillars of Human Rights is Justice Department and police. We are lucky that an
important person from judiciary and police department is here to address the
delegates. I am hopeful that in this three days deliberation we will learn
ideas of the teachers regarding teaching of Human Rights and Peace, The role of
teachers are very important.
EIP India and IIPDEP are working for
human rights and peace education from more than 10 years with support and
guidance from EIP International. We are thankful to Ms Monique, Secretary of
EIP International, her staff and members of EIP International, Dr. Kurvey wish Happy New Year and fruitful deliberations.
Justice K.R.Vyas, Chairperson of Maharashtra Human Rights
said Maharashtra Human Rights Commission is supposed to hear the violation of
the Human Rights and other activities of awareness of Human Rights. Most people
are not aware of human rights. First time, I read the EIP booklet and came across that such
Yeoman work done by EIP International and EIP India. I come from judiciary and Chief Justice, joined the
Maharashtra Human Rights Commission as chairperson. Dissemination and spread of Human Rights is also one of the
most important works of Human Rights Commission. If the teachers will know
about Human Rights, certainly they will give education to students. In India
every citizen enjoyed fundamental rights. Certain rights are essential to live
with dignity. It is mentioned in University Declaration of Human Rights. In
early 1990 India failed to need a Human Rights Commission but due to positive
criticism by western countries especially on Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir and
North East India, pressure was to create National Human Rights Commission.
Human Rights Act was passed in 1994. The purpose of ACT is to provide mechanism
for Human Rights Commission and better protection of Human Rights. Important
work of Human Rights Commission is to investigate on the complaints of
violation of Human Rights. Act
also provide establishment of State Human Rights Commission. Commission has to
submit the report to State/Central Government. The judiciary will observe the
implementation of Human Rights. UN is to monitor the Human Rights in the world.
Civil society play important role and NGO and media play promotion, protection
and implementation of Human Rights in world.
Violation of Human Rights is
universal, child labor, genocide, slavery, racial discrimination. India has
also rights violation, wife beating, Dalits,
displacement of poor farmers and tribal’s for so called development. Judiciary
and National Human Rights Commission is yet to be seen the effectiveness. We
receive most complaint of custodial harassment. Police need to be sensitized
and change of attitude of police.
. Supreme Court of India has given landmark judgment on police. Justice Vyas sited many cases of Supreme Court judgment.
Compensation should pay to victims by concern department.
Training of awareness to
police/government officers and public is essential and sensitize then about the
Human Rights. Human Rights education should be imparted to students with
critically analysis which help him/her in the beginning of their career. I am hopeful that this will
imparted to the delegates. Person suffering mental/physical handicap are also
suffering, there cause should also be taken on human rights platform. There is
lack of information in society; you should take up the cases and forward to
your state Human Rights Commission. Lastly I thank Dr. Kurvey
and her team for arranging such important National training session for
teachers and NGO and it will surely bear the fruits. Also convey my thank to eip International for such noble work and urge them to
assist/guide/help EIP India. Such training will help the biggest democracy of
the world that is India.
After the inauguration speech by
Justice Vyas, many delegates ask questions which was
rightly answered by Justice Vyas.
Session: UN
Convention on human Rights & Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution
Dr. Balkrishna
Kurvey, President, Indian Institute for peace,
Disarmament & Environmental Protection addressed the delegates on UN
Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution.The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights is adopted by the United Nations General
Assembly on 10 December 1948 at Palais de Chaillot, Paris. The Declaration arose directly from the experience of the Second World War and
represents the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are
inherently entitled. It consists of 30 articles which have been elaborated in
subsequent international treaties, regional human rights instruments, national
constitutions and laws. The International Bill of Human Rights
consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights and its two Optional Protocols. In 1966 the General
Assembly adopted the two detailed Covenants, which complete the International
Bill of Human Rights; and in 1976, after the Covenants had been ratified by a
sufficient number of individual nations, the Bill took on the force of
international law.
The Fundamental Rights embodied in the
Indian constitution acts as a guarantee that all Indian citizens can and will
lead their life’s in peace as long as they live in Indian democracy. These
civil liberties take precedence over any other law of the land. They include
individual rights common to most liberal democracies, such as equality before
the law, freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association and
peaceful assembly, freedom of religion, and the right to constitutional
remedies for the protection of civil rights such as habeas corpus. Many UN Convention of human
Rights are included in Fundamental rights in Indian Constitution. |
Facilitator: Mr. Fadtare
and Chandra Bhushan Pratap
After the speech by Dr. Kurvey the Participants were divided in groups and given
the questionnaire on Human Rights in general and on Indian Human Rights
Commission. Participants were asked to discuss among themselves and write on
the board. After finishing, group leader was asked to read and explain the
answers, while all group members standing beside and helping the leader,
showing the participation of each member.
Children’s Rights
Dr. Nalini Kurvey, President EIP India said that the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international human rights treaty
that grants all children and young people (aged 17 and under) a comprehensive
set of rights. India signed and ratified the treaty. When a country ratifies the convention it agrees to do
everything it can to implement it. The convention gives children and young
people over 40 substantive rights. These include the right to:
Special protection measures and assistance
Access to services such as education and
health care
Develop their personalities, abilities and
talents to the fullest potential
Grow up in an environment of happiness, love
and understanding
Be informed about and participate in
achieving their rights in an accessible and active manner
All of the rights in the convention apply to
all children and young people without discrimination. A state who are
party to the convention has obligations to ratify the convention, including
reporting to the international treaty monitoring body, the Committee on the
Rights of the Child.
WORKSHOP: Child Rights was conducted. The teachers were divided
into small groups and they were asked to discuss and come with inferences about
the rights, which are followed in their schools and which were violated. They
had to search for the article number which is related to the statements and
explain in their language, which made all the participants to know the rights
of the children. They were also made to think about the rights which are
violated and how. Also they were asked to brainstorm, how they can rectify the
situations and make their schools student friendly.
Some new ideas were shared by the
participants, about equal participation and equal dignity to each child
regardless of the gender, caste, economic status. The teachers were convinced
that they have to respect the rights of the children. Teacher will act as
facilitator to the children.
Chandrashekhar Fadnaik was the moderator for this workshop, who
applauded the teachers for presenting the workshop so effectively. He asked the
teachers to work for inculcating the human rights values in their students.
Also they should make them aware of their duties so that the students will
become responsible citizens of our country when they will grow up.
SUNDAY January 20, 2008
After Breakfast, fist session started
at 9.00 a. m.
Session started with first days recap
with groups discussing amongst
themselves and and Dr. Balkrishna
moderated, gave explanations to the participants queries and explaining
articles on Human rights and giving examples of the incidences and cases handled by Human rights
Session: Protection
of Human Rights through development of emotional Competence:
Dr. K. Bhandrkar, Principal, P.P. College of Education, Gondia, Maharashtra addressed the delegated that today’s
topic Emotional Development and Competence will touch what are Human Rights and
how it is violated. You are aware that values are important in Human Rights.
Values direct our life and action. What a person will do at given time
situation is decided by his values. Human Rights have to develop of any person in his 1) Cognitive; 2) Affective and 3)
Psychological development. In our traditional development every 10 years
knowledge is exploded and became double in 10 years. We have to accept the new
knowledge. Psycho Motor
development affects the individual and in this domain proper attention is not
given. Learning to live together is essential. As per UNESCO report we have to
become the part of society wherever you are living.
Human rights education is fundamental
and that it is therefore essential that citizens are educated on human rights
and fundamental freedoms and the commitment to respect such rights and freedom
in domestic legislation and international instrument to which they may be
parties. More detailed knowledge of the national legislation and the
international instruments is rare in the general public. There is a void on how
to use this legislation against violation of human rights and in defense of the
dignity of man.
Developing countries/East countries
and Third World leaders and other are to be persuaded that respect for human
rights is only compatible with but also indispensable for the success of their
economic development objectives. The promotion of human rights is both an
instrument and a goal to development. The role of teachers/learners to
emphasize respect for all human rights is the economic, social and cultural,
civil. Political. A development
policy strategy bases on the denial of any one of these rights is a negative of
the concept of development.
Human Rights Methodology
Facilitator Pradip
Lande and Prakash Tekade.
deliberation by Dr. Bhandarkar, the participants were
divided in small groups and workshop on different methods and models of
teaching was conducted. The participants had beautifully presented the results
of this workshop by various methods and models applications. Different groups
used different methods and models such as writings, role plays, dramas, songs,
interpretations. After completion of the workshop, the group leader or in some
groups all participants explained with the methods or models allotted to them
the results of the workshop. Everybody was so enthusiastic about their group’s
performance; they presented the outcomes very efficiently and authoritatively.
After all the groups had finished, participants had the practical knowledge of
all methods and models and realized how beautifully they can teach human rights
with help of writing, interpretation, drama, poems.
Session: Human Rights Literacy
Dr, Kishore Mahabal, Professor of Political
Science, Nagpur University, started
his session on Human Rights Literacy. He first told short stories to the
participants. These stories were based on Human Rights, violations of Human
Rights and some were on Human Rights protections. Participants were asked to
make groups and discuss these stories one by one and draw some inference. This
was brainstorming session. After the discussion was over the participants were
assembled in the Hall and were encouraged in explaining the situations and
solutions, and identifying Human Rights articles and how Human Rights were
violated. Later on Dr. Mahabal completed the task by
deliberating on all Human Rights s stories.
Ideas and Projects run by
Participants and Expectation from participants:
Ms. Indira Rane, Washim observed Hiroshima
Day on 6th August 2005 at her school. She organized the essay
competition for the students after explaining them the ill effects of nuclear
weapons and wad war and why there is need for total elimination of nuclear
weapons. On 10th December the School celebrated Human Rights day.
Various activities for the students as well as the teachers were organized. She
explained with simple methods, how human Rights can be taught to the students.
Mr. Shridhar
Jaybhaye, teacher from Sind Khed
Raja who an attended the Regional Training session at Amravati. Since the he is
organizing Human Rights awareness activities for the fellow teachers. He is
conducting the seminars for the teachers. He talks about the methodology, he
learnt in the training, to his peers.
Mr. Chandra Bhushan
Prasad Singh All the teachers and students of the observed Hiroshima Day on 6th August and
Nagasaki day on 9th August as historical days. The destruction due
to Atom Bomb was discussed and all could imagine the inhuman behavior. Everybody was determined to work for
peace and disarmament and therefore there is the need for Human Rights
Education from the beginning. Arranged day Human Rights education seminars for
teachers in 9 schools. On 10th December, Human Rights day was
celebrated with great enthusiasm, stressing the need for Human Rights teaching.
Mr. Chandra Bhushan urged the teachers as well as
students to go beyond, caste, creed, religion, gender and work for humanity.
The values of Human Rights should be inculcated from the childhood and schools
can do the job through teachers.
Many delegates said that retired
teachers or School Inspectors if involved give their time and utilize their
energy and experience in spreading the message of human rights .If EIP gives letter of recommendation for
the education officers and minister of education , the retired teachers can go
from school to school and spread the message of human rights.
One participant was quick in making songs
and singing them, she said this training session has provided so much knowledge
and information, that all participants will remember forever.
Many participants said EIP has given them
the material as well as training and now it’s their duty to convey these human
rights ideas to their students and they have to give their students the
confidence that teachers are their mentors and supporters as well as
One participant said that the seeds sown by
EIP of human rights will grow into a big beautiful tree through our teacher’s
efforts. We will take this message
from school to school and village to village.
One participant narrated the experiences
and the human rights projects he is running in his region, He teaches human
rights and explains the articles with examples to the groups of teachers in
monthly teachers’ meeting. Similarly he had conducted sessions for the police
personals in his area.
One participant recited poems and praises
the work of EIP India.
All the participants unanimously passed the
resolution that EIP training session in India is very essential for the largest
democracy in the world. Human Rights teaching through the trained teachers will
strengthen the democracy and pave the way for development in India. All the
participants requested Ms Monique and EIP International to continue the
trainings session in India.
Lastly they congratulated Dr. Nalini
and Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey
and team of EIP India for arranging such important training session.
was chaired by Dr. Nalini Kurvey
and Mr. Pradip Lande.
After distribution of certificates the National training
session was concluded with vote of thanks by Mrs. Pratibha